Wednesday, April 23, 2008

another day at the beach...

Just got this great email blast from J.Crew and it made me long for my past job. I used to work on photoshoots for Smith & Hawken, spending weeks in beautiful homes and lush gardens. The food is always top notch, the people are creative and (usually) great fun to hang out with. There was more manual labor than I ever expected, though, plus the crazy requests, like the night I spent painting a gigantic garden arbor turquoise just to have on hand should they need it as a prop (they didn't). This email made me slightly envious thinking of team J.Crew spending weeks at a gorgeous beach resort, long days of photo work, then warm nights filled with fruity cocktails and retail gossip. Oh, the good 'ol days.


  1. Oh Amber you glamourpuss, that job sounds fun, the perfect pre-child job.

  2. sfd - it was so un-fabulous, it just sounds glamorous, as I sit glued to my desk. They should make it a prerequisite for the job to be childless, there's no way I could have done it post child!

  3. That sounds fun! Lucky you. I used to love the Smith and Hawken catalogs. I am not as big of a fan these days. Ever since they were bought out, they've changed.

  4. ...but to think if you had that job with beautiful care- free Ruby at home thinking of how great it is wen Mommy puts her to bed...your job is WAY better now...xoxo Aubs
