Thursday, December 18, 2008

get your {wrap} on

I can remember reading an ancient issue of Martha where she showed us her "wrapping station". I was floored. It was the perfect alcove organized just-so, all trimmings and wrap at arms reach, the tape and scissors neatly hung, and a rainbow of ribbons at the ready. Even though my wrap is currently crammed into my office closet, if space weren't an issue, this  would certainly be something to aspire to.


  1. To be so organized, what a dream...I currently have all my wrapping (red and white this year) in a corner of my bedroom. It's nuts! Ribbon, gift tags and tape all shoved in the corner so I can wrap a few gifts when I get a chance.

  2. thank you for popping by. i see you live in my most favorite city!!! i had the most amazing 8 days there over thanksgiving and am already ready to head back for another visit (or to move!)

    you know, my wrapping lives the same place yours does... crammed in the office closet. i look at these photos of organized goodness and i so want it...i just can't seem to make it happen :|

  3. i'm actually considering going the "signature wrap" that was recommended in Domino once. Choose ONE simple paper and one fabulous coordinated ribbon. Buy a buttload. Use only that as your personal style signature to any gift.

    I dug it!

  4. if only! i want this in my home, too.

  5. That is a GREAT wrap station! I'm such a gift card person I don't need that... but if I was a package person... I would definitely want that!
    ENJOY the season!

  6. I am so in love with everything that Martha does. It is my domestic dream to not only be so organized, but to make it all look so good!

  7. oh I wish! If I had the space, I would so do it! I would have a little corner for everything!
