Tuesday, May 19, 2009

message journal

A few years back, we used to live in a tiny tree-house-like apartment that somehow didn't seem so small at the time. I kept a thick journal by the phone for message writing (sticky notes and tiny paper scraps always seemed to disappear). Once in a while there would be a sweet love note amongst the daily scribbles of appointment reminders, and it would leave a plastered smile on my face for a week. I think it's time for a new message journal, purely for the element of surprise.


  1. my boyfriend and i have a chalkboard in our kitchen and we'll write silly little love notes to each other from time to time and you're right...it's always a great way to start the day!

  2. this is so cute! it really made me smile :)

  3. How sweet! My husband will write things on my to do list!

  4. awwww! you two are so cute. I got your email but it's finals week. I'll get you back by friday ;)

  5. My Mom and Step-Dad actually do answer the phone "I love you" instead of "hello" when they know it's the other person. (thank goodness for caller id!) It's very sweet.

  6. This sounds like a wonderful tradition to have! I've been on the hunt for the perfect chalkboard within my price range... For just this very reason!

  7. That is so sweet and such a good idea! And someone has some seriously beautiful handwriting.
