Wednesday, July 22, 2009

{homemade} suds

In high school I worked at a corner shop filled with soaps, soy candles and plants, that kind of thing. The soap loaves were by far the most popular item, we'd cut a fat slice to order and bag it up. These images brought me back, and now I kind of want to make my own soap loaves - ginger, coconut, lime...oh the possibilities! textured soaps & soap loaves


  1. Mmmmm, those fragrances sound delightful.

  2. I find your blog incredibly sincere, refreshing and delightful!! I always go to it first thing in the morning and it makes my day. I am having my 100'th blog post at my blog coeur de la, and would love to have you guest blog!! Let me know if that is something you would enjoy??
