Friday, June 6, 2008

fresh cuts {from the garden}

I went on a little "chopping spree" in my garden this morning and made these colorful arrangements for every room in the house. I love the garden.


Anonymous said...

Your life seems so perfect! How lucky that you can make something like that from what you have in your garden :)

amber {daisy chain} said...

I promise - it's not! I have one day a week off of work, so I try and put some nice little touched around the house, then it's back to the grind. And, I'll admit, I'm a firm believer that nothing is ever perfect.

Tracey said...

Just got done cutting the last of my lilacs and some gorgeous lupine for flower arrangements. "Garden shopping" is one of my favorite things to do!

Anonymous said...

Hydrangea? Nasturtiam? Already? Geesh I wish I lived in CA.

Laura said...

those are wonderful!