It would just be wrong if I didn't so much as mention the season finale of Real Housewives of Orange County.
It was a big lead-up to Laurie's wedding, which was so much prettier than I thought it would be, I pictured baroque gold columns with peach flowers...but I really thought it was all tasteful. How about the orchid clusters hanging form the trees, loved that!
ok, here's the lowdown on our ladies:
Tamra - wow. words cannot express how much her voice bothers me, she does need to grow up, so that was a good realization for her.
Jeanna - looking good! Divorce was the best
choice, give her a few more months and she'll be rockin'.
Vicki - so, so sad, that Vicky. Her jealousy oozed from every make up smothered pore on her face.
Laurie - great wedding, and I'll admit, I shed a tear when she met with her son & the psychiatrist, but please answer me this - is she a transvestite? Her face looked particularly weird last night, lips all askew and cheek implants higher than usual.
Quinn - ewww. yuck. The blonde wig and alter ego, Roxy made her debut I could not stop laughing, WHAT was that? Note to the producers: please find a new housewife! I cannot bare to look at that never ending cleavage for another season.
Joe - That was just unnecessary, I felt awkward and I wasn't even there. Que - everybody look at the sidewalk now - and...Go!
So very scripted, so very full of product placement, so incredibly cheesy, but you know I'll be back for more!