The bags are packed, boards are strapped down, the trailer is stocked and we're making our way down the Southern California coast for the next 10 days. I'll be posting "tales from the trailer" along the way with my trusty laptop, so stay tuned. Yippeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Have fun!!!
What you're off? Man, we keep missing each other!
Have a blast!!!
Xo rene
Have fun, fun, fun!!
have fun and if you end up in la, feel free to ask me for suggestions on anything!
Have an absolute blast. I'd suggest you not head towards Texas right now :)
Safe travels! xx
Have a great trip!
Love to you all,
Fairy Godmaother
Have a wonderful adventure on your south bound journey! I will be looking forward to random postings along your trailer trip! Happy Condo Camping!
Lots of Love,
Oh my goodness, I am really looking forward to the updates! Have fun!
oh so excited for you. livin' my coleman dream. enjoy every minute of easy travels, beachy days and great cookouts. jack, dad & I will be glued to the blog.
happy trails,
love, hugs & kisses,
mom & the gang
FUN FUN FUN til your daddy takes your trailer away... LOL... sorry... I couldn't help myself!
ENJOY your trip!
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